
The AgeShift Android APP

Our app takes a complex, multi element, multi month protocol, and simply tells you what to do exactly right now.

Our Software Solution consists of two parts:

  • a protocol designer, typically managed by your clinician or allied health provider (dietitian, personal trainer).  This is where you plan a multi month protocol at a high level, eg 3 weight training sessions per week, the first focused on 10 upper body exercises etc.  Or a supplement stack of 5 elements, including Creatine 5mg daily, Fish Oil 4g daily, etc.
  • a mobile app that reminds you of what you need to do today, and specifically this hour.  For example, mid morning Protein shake.  Or late afternoon Zone 2.  Or meditation at bedtime.  No more guess work, and no more post-it notes.  Know exactly what to do, and when to do it.

Our App beta is taking waitlist sign ups right now.  As we onboard people, we will do a phone call (or email) with you to customize your protocol, give you access to the app, and push your custom protocol to the App.  Then all you have to do is follow the instructions!

Please sign up here.  Currently Android only.  And we are onboarding as fast as we can!